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Pro-Biden super PAC hosting virtual convention pre-show for donors with guests including Mary Trump

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden signs required documents for receiving the Democratic nomination for President at the Hotel DuPont on August 14, 2020 in Wilmington, Delaware.

Drew Angerer | Getty Images

A pro-Biden super PAC is hosting a series of virtual convention pre-shows for donors and one of the featured guests is President Donald Trump’s niece, Mary Trump. 

The invite shows a string of virtual events that start Monday and continue through Thursday, when the presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden is scheduled to speak at the convention. The flyer says the pre-show episodes are presented by American Bridge, a super PAC backing Biden, and Media Matters, a left-leaning nonprofit watchdog that  investigates Trump’s conservative media allies. 

Both were founded by David Brock, who is listed as one of the co-hosts for the virtual gatherings. Other hosts include former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm and former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, who are co-chairing a nine figure joint effort between American Bridge and Unite the Country, another pro-Biden super PAC. 

The two committees have spent millions backing Biden, including American Bridge’s effort targeting voters in the key swing states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. 

Some donors who are participating have given over $50,000 to American Bridge each year for the last three years, according to people familiar with the matter, who declined to be named as the events had yet to be made public.

Trump’s niece, who recently published a best-selling book trashing her uncle, is scheduled to speak on Tuesday to donors, along with fellow author Tony Schwartz, the ghostwriter of  “Trump: The Art of the Deal.” Their joint event is titled “Inside Trump’s Brain: Understanding Donald Trump From Those Who Know Him Best.” 

Donors will also get an “insider’s view of the Biden campaign,” with veteran campaign strategists James Carville and Jim Messina giving donors a briefing on the state of the race. A Real Clear Politics polling average shows Biden up by seven points.

Biden allies from congress will also be taking part in the pre-show festivities, with some already scheduled to speak at the virtual convention itself. The PACs congressional speakers that are backing Biden include House Majority Whip James Clybrun, D-S.C., Reps. Haley Stevens, D-Mich, and Conor Lamb, D-Pa. Former Sen.Chris Dodd, D-Conn., who was a member of Biden’s vice president selection committee, is listed as a featured speaker. Governors Tom Wolf and Gretchen Whitmer will also be featured guests. 

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