David Cordani, chief executive officer of Cigna Corp.
Adam Jeffery | CNBC
Heath insurer Cigna will stop giving money to elected officials who “encouraged or supported violence” during last week’s siege of the U.S. Capitol by followers of President Donald Trump.
The insurer sent an e-mail to employees Tuesday explaining the company’s new position in light of the events of last week. Like many corporations, Bloomfield, Connecticut-based Cigna has a political action committee that directs employee donations to lawmakers who support the company’s agendas.
“Some issues are so foundational to our core fiber that they transcend all other matters of public policy,” John Murabito, chief human resources officer, said in the memo. “There is never any justification for violence or destruction of the kind we saw at the U.S. Capitol – the building that such a powerful symbol of the very democracy that makes our nation strong.”
He added: “Accordingly, CignaPAC will discontinue support of any elected official who encouraged or supported violence, or otherwise hindered the peaceful transition of power.”
Corporations from Morgan Stanley to Marriott International have taken the rare step of singling out members of the Republican party for backing efforts to disrupt the confirmation of President-elect Joe Biden‘s victory over President Trump. Other companies, including JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America are halting all PAC donations for the time being.
Cigna CEO David Cordani is expected to speak about the company’s position later Tuesday at JPMorgan’s annual healthcare conference, according to the memo.