Watch for more fallout as tensions between China and the West mount — podcast

Episode 95 of Down to Business podcast

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This week, China announced sanctions against Michael Chong, a Canadian Member of Parliament and the House of Commons sub-committee for international human rights for having the temerity to speak out about the egregious human rights abuses against minority Muslims, namely ethnic Uyghers, who have been rounded up in Xinjiang province, re-educated, sterilized, tortured, imprisoned and subjected to all manner of grotesque treatment.
This week, on Down to Business, Wesley Wark, an expert on national security and intelligence and a senior fellow at the Center For International Governance Innovation in Waterloo, explored the nature of Canada’s tensions with China.
China’s sanctions came after Canada, the U.S. the U.K. and the European Union earlier this month levelled their own sanctions against four Chinese officials involved in the persecution of Uyghurs.
As Wark explained, the threat of a full-on cold war erupting between China and the West is still considered a remote possibility, but he expects tensions, over human rights and other issues will persist and there will be more fallout.
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