Aurelius Minerals drills highest-grade intercept to date at Aureus East

“AE-20-007 is our most successful hole to date, but notably, all of our Phase 1 drill holes, to date, have intersected gold mineralization,” Mark Ashcroft, the company’s president and CEO, said in a press release.
“That’s a tremendous achievement considering what limited information we started with, and doing it all in the middle of a travel restricting pandemic.”
Hole AE-20-007 started in December 2020, reaching a depth of 205.4 metres, and in January the company extended the hole’s depth to 534 metres.
An earlier drill hole, AE-20-006, drilled at the same location as AE-20-007, was stopped at 231.5 metres after the hole veered off to the north and out of the favourable horizon. However before doing so, the hole cut across Gold Zone 9 (one of 10 distinct gold horizons the company has identified with assays greater than 10 grams gold per tonne), returning 4.2 metres grading 2.43 grams gold from 61.8 metres, including 0.9 metres of 9.21 grams gold.
The drill results are from the Aurelius’ Phase 1 drill program, which started last year and consisted of 12 holes (4,725 metres) drilled from underground, and another nine holes (3,000 metres) drilled from surface. Assay results are pending from five of the underground holes and all nine surface holes.
The company has two drill rigs turning at Aureus East. One rig is underground at Pad 2 and is exploring west of hole AE-20-007, targeting the extensions to zones intersected in AE-20-007. The second rig is drilling from surface and targeting favourable southern legs to the gold horizons and specifically at Gold Zone 9.
Aurelius has also completed Phase 1 drilling at its Aureus West property, adjacent to Aureus East, with 10 holes completed to date.
(This article first appeared in The Northern Miner)