Google’s first retail store, where it will sell phones and other gadgets, to open in New York this summer

Google Store in Chelsea
Google announced on Thursday its first-ever retail store, where it plans to sell Pixel phones, Fitbit wearables, Pixelbooks, Nest thermostats and speakers, and more. The store is in the Chelsea neighborhood of New York City at Google’s office and is close to an Apple Store.
The store is expected to open this summer.
Google has toyed with retail in the past, sometimes with little pop-up shops where people can browse new gadgets when they’re announced. But it has otherwise relied on its website and other retailers to sell its hardware and services. This means Google is slowly taking a different approach more akin to Apple by creating a space where people can come in and try its products and get support.
It may help Google too, at least if it continues to open additional stores, since it hasn’t offered many ways for customers to try its products before buying them outside of “experience” mini shops in places like Best Buy.
Some tech companies, like Apple, are better at retail than others.
Microsoft, for example, announced last June that it was permanently closing its 83 Microsoft Store locations because it found its online sales were growing and that it was better able to serve customers online instead of in stores.
The Google store will offer technical support for the company’s devices, including fixing cracked phone screens.
Google said it will require social distancing, masks and hand sanitation for customers and employees as it follows local and national guidelines during the Covid-19 pandemic.