Keno Hill silver reserves jump 22% for Alexco

The Keno Hill district mill showing dry stack tailings facility and Christal Lake. Credit: Alexco Resource
Alexco Resource Corp. (TSX: AXU; NYSE: AXU) has boosted silver content at its Keno Hill project in Yukon by 22% to 1.44 million tonnes grading 804 g/t silver, 3.84% zinc, 2.64% lead and 0.31 g/t gold in proven and probable reserves. Those numbers represent about 1,035 g/t silver equivalent.
The mining plan has been updated to projected output of 35.5 million oz. silver over the next eight years. Average annual production will be 4.4 million oz. silver at an all-in sustaining cost of $11.59 per ounce.