Silver Elephant files resource numbers for Minago nickel project in Manitoba

Combining open pit and underground resources, Minago has 44.2 million measured and indicated tonnes grading 0.74% for 721.6 million lb. nickel, and 19.6 million inferred tonnes at 0.74% nickel for 319.1 million lb. nickel.
A feasibility study prepared for Victory Nickel in 2010 called for a concentrator flowsheet that would take feed grading 0.4-0.6% nickel and produce an 18-34% nickel concentrate with a nickel recovery rate of 52-58%.
Silver Elephant acquired the Minago project in February from Victory Nickel for approximately US$6.7 million. A provincial environment act licence was issued for the project in August, but a notice of assessment regarding changes to the tailings management facility to address First Nation concerns has yet to be completed for a 10,000-t/d open pit and mill. Silver Elephant will address this in 2021.
The company is also re-engaging with local First Nations to update memorandums of understanding signed by the former owner. Silver Elephant is currently examining the means of create a low carbon operation.
(This article first appeared in The Northern Miner)