Lowell, Pact partner to develop artisanal mining project in Shuar communities in Ecuador

“This project advances our vision of sustainability in Indigenous communities in support of creating formal employment opportunities,” Federico Velásquez, Solaris VP Operations, said in a media release. “We are proud of this alliance with Pact, an NGO renowned worldwide for its work to benefit underdeveloped communities.”
Within this context, ten working groups were held with local stakeholders, including the Ministry of Energy and Non-Renewable Natural Resources and the Association of Mining Engineers of Ecuador (AIME).
On behalf of the National Government of Ecuador, Andrés Wierdak, Director of Small Scale Mining said:
The Warintza Project and the work carried out by Solaris in Ecuador is a case study for scholarly research in Ecuador and around the world, as an example of social responsibility and dialogue with local communities and joint efforts between the government, communities and the private sector, for the development of responsible large scale and artisanal mining.