Mining People: Adventus, Highland Copper, Los Andes, McEwen Copper, OceanaGold, Pure Gold, Questex, Ucore

Jerry Wang, the CFO of BC Moly, will also serve as the company’s secretary.
Bunker Hill Mining named Tom Francis general manager of the Bunker Hill mine.
Highland Copper said Barry O’Shea is its new CFO as Alain Krushinsky steps down.
Santiago Montt appointed COO of Los Andes Copper and president of the operating subsidiary Compania Minera Vizcachitas Holding.
McEwen Copper, a subsidiary of McEwen Mining, named Michael Meding VP of Andes Corporation Minera in Argentina.
OceanaGold named Gerard Bond as president and CEO, effective Apr. 4.
Pure Gold Mining named Terrence (Terry) Smith as COO, Bryan Wilson as VP and mine general manager, and Phil Smerchanski as VP exploration and technical services.
Questex Gold and Copper said Tony Barresi has resigned as president and director. The role as president will be divided between CEO Joseph Mullin and VP exploration David Fleming.
Grant Tanaka is now CFO at TinOne Resources.
Ucore Rare Metals accepted the resignations of Gareth Hatch, Tyler Dinwoodie, and Kurt Forrester from the management of subsidiary Innovation Metals.
Board moves include:
Jonathan Hamway joined the board of Basin Uranium.
Gold Royalty named Karri Howlett to its board.
Ready Set Gold appointed two new board members, Alexander McAulay and Christopher Huggins. Peter Simeon has resigned his seat.
TinOne Resources named Chris Donaldson executive chairman of the board and Ota Hally as director.
(This article first appeared in the Canadian Mining Journal)