Cramer’s lightning round: I like Lazard here

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Oceaneering International Inc.: “It’s right here. There are a lot of times when I look at these stocks and I think, ‘Well, they have contracts, the contracts could go bad.’ I think these guys are very good.”
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Tellurian Inc: “Here’s what matters with Tellurian: their balance sheet. It’s not great. They have to raise a lot more debt. But when they are finished, there will be ready customers.”
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Equitrans Midstream Corp: “It was down for multiple days, it yields [9%]. I’m worried about a 9% yielder. It makes me feel like it’s not sustainable.”
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AT&T Inc: “Maybe for the long-term, there’s something there. Short-term, no. Short-term, [“Mad Money”] is a family show, so I can’t really go into it. It’s just not right.”
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Lazard Ltd: “Jimmy Chill likes Lazard. I think that this is an opportunity, not a negative. I like it, I think it can do well.”
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Doximity Inc: “Doximity, I think is very inexpensive. … Doximity’s a high-growth stock, people don’t like them. But one day they will.”