
Pacific Empire Minerals granted exploration permit for Jean Marie project

Drilling will initially focus on the A-Zone, proximal to numerous 1974 percussion drill holes that intersected attractive copper grades

“The drill target area is an extension of the A-Zone, which is characterized by a 900-metre by 300-metre disruptive magnetic low. This feature lies at the boundary of the previously drilled area and sits directly adjacent to the best drill hole from 1974 (P74-27), which graded 0.3% copper over the entire 76.2-metre length of bedrock drilled, including 27.4 metres grading 0.53% copper and ended in mineralization,” the brief states. “PEMC geologists believe the magnetic low represents the highest probability for extension of the A-Zone and this target will be the location for the first exploration drill holes.”

The miner said it has also commissioned a property-wide airborne magnetic survey, whose results will be interpreted in combination with modern GPS-based rock geochemical sampling completed by PEMC earlier this year. 

“The geochemical sampling encountered gold, silver and copper mineralization at all three existing zones. Following the completion of the magnetic survey, the targets will be prioritized for drill testing,” the release reads.

The Jean Marie project consists of 7,350 hectares of contiguous mineral claims situated 50 kilometres west of Centerra Gold’s Mt. Milligan copper-gold mine in north-central British Columbia, western Canada. 

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